It contains black elderberry extract, Beta Glucan (1.3 / 1.6), Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Zinc, Acerola extract, Orange concentrate, Neuroliot extract. It supports the immune system, especially in viral diseases, with its immune system stimulating and antioxidant effects. Nutrition and micronutrients support the immune system.
Nutritional deficiencies and nutritional deficiencies are quite common. Black elderberry extract helps support the immune system, especially in viral diseases, with its stimulating and antioxidant effects on the immune system. Beta-glucan helps reduce the frequency of upper respiratory infections and reduce the symptoms and duration of the disease in those who do.
Acerola contains a lot of vitamin C and has a high antioxidant effect.
Vitamin C regulates the immune system in children.
The immune system supporting effects of vitamin D have been known for many years.
Zinc is a powerful antioxidant and helps support the immune system.
Plantain is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
It has stimulating effects on the immune system.
Usage It is recommended for children aged 4-10 years to take 1 scoop (5 ml) per day with a meal.